Acupuncture is a type of complementary medicine that originated thousands of years ago in China. It has been used for generations to cure various illnesses and disorders, ranging from back pain to headaches.
In traditional acupuncture, good qi, or an energy-giving life force that runs through the body, is essential for optimal health. An individual may get ill if the qi is blocked. Acupuncture aids in the restoration of a healthy energy flow by removing those barriers. Since acupuncture needs immense precision, you should get it done by an experienced acupuncturist in Mumbai Central.
First, the acupuncturist uses fine needles to stimulate particular points on your body during an acupuncture session in a renowned acupuncture clinic in Mumbai Central. These points represent the symptoms you are trying to alleviate.
Sometimes acupuncture is credited for treating a wide range of ailments, some of them are warranted, and some are not. However, research backs up acupuncturists’ claims in a few treatment areas, such as alleviating low-back pain and neck discomfort.
Other issues, such as hair loss, have less conclusive research. Nonetheless, there is some evidence that acupuncture can help with few forms of hair loss.
Acupuncture and Male pattern baldness
There is no evidence that acupuncture can treat male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness occurs due to a combination of hereditary and hormonal causes. Acupuncture is unlikely to help with these issues.
However, few studies discovered that acupuncture is more effective than medications in treating a type of hair loss known as alopecia areata.
In alopecia areata, the immune system destroys the hair follicles. It leads to hair loss that usually appears in small patches all over the scalp. It is unclear why acupuncture works effectively for this condition. It could be linked to enhanced blood flow and circulation in the skin, which is a common benefit.
Acupuncture may assist in stimulating hair follicles, nerves, and blood vessels, thereby reducing hair loss. Then, with additional treatment, regrowth may resume.
Acupuncture and Hair Loss in Women
Female pattern hair loss, which is the most prevalent kind of hair loss in women, is also caused by hereditary factors and hormonal fluctuations. According to studies, acupuncture is inefficient in treating hair loss in women.
On the other hand, acupuncture may help women with alopecia areata reduce their hair loss and enhance hair regrowth. In addition, the tiny needles may stimulate the scalp and increase the likelihood of hair growth.
How does Acupuncture works?
During an acupuncture session, your acupuncturist in Mumbai Central will place tiny needles into particular body points. These points correspond to the illnesses, symptoms, or diseases you are dealing with. For example, while you may be seeking treatment for back pain, the acupuncturist may place needles in your arms, feet, neck, and other body points.
The needles help stimulate body parts having a greater number of nerves. The skin, tissues, and glands are all included. The needles may stimulate hair follicles, which may promote hair growth. The needles can also enhance blood flow.
Side effects of Scalp Acupuncture
In general, acupuncture is a well-tolerated complementary and alternative medicine treatment. However, few people may be allergic to needles or other materials such as oils, lotions, or aromatherapy goods used in acupuncture.
Conventional hair loss treatments include hormonal therapy, medications, laser therapy, and even surgery. In comparison to some of these, acupuncture has few potential side effects or risks. In addition, it could be used in conjunction with medicines to cure hair loss.
Acupuncture on the scalp may have the following side effects:
- headache
- swelling
- bruising
- minor bleeding
- muscle twitching
There are few risks when hiring a trained and competent acupuncturist. However, if you don’t consult a licensed expert, the side effects of acupuncture may be severe. In addition, if the person performing your acupuncture is not certified and experienced, you put yourself in danger of infection and injury.
Depending on the cause of your hair loss, there are various treatment options accessible to you. Conventional medications and alternative therapies such as acupuncture are available. While acupuncture has not been proven to help treat hair loss, it does have only a few side effects.
Consider your choices with a doctor or a qualified acupuncturist in Mumbai Central before deciding to use acupuncture to stop hair loss or regenerate hair. Acupuncture is a long-term, ongoing therapy strategy for many people. Hence, don’t expect to see results right away. However, if you are at ease with this alternative, you might have some success.