Facial acupuncture is a non-surgical approach to minimize the indications of aging. Acupuncture techniques, various Chinese medical treatments, and Chinese herbal supplements rejuvenate the face and overall body. As a result of addressing the physical, mental, and emotional patterns that cause disease and contribute to the aging process, the entire body appears and feels younger.
Dr. Siddique Shaikh, our medical head, a seasoned acupuncturist in Mumbai Central, provides safe, efficient, and cost-effective facial acupuncture in Mumbai. Dr. Siddique practices at Meridian Care acupuncture clinic in Mumbai Central. Moreover, Dr. Siddique Shaikh has treated over 10,000 patients with acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, Hijama therapy, and other bodily energy balancing treatments.
Facial acupuncture is a safe, effective, and painless treatment for rejuvenating the face. It can completely erase fine lines, minimize deeper lines, and firm the bags under the eyes and around the neck.
Dr. Siddique Shaikh, our facial acupuncturist in Mumbai Central, inserts acupuncture needles into several acupuncture points on the face, neck, and eyes. Because muscle groups and acupuncture points are addressed, the facelift occurs due to the muscles’ toning and tightening action facilitated by the acupuncture points.
At the age of 21, skin elasticity begins to deteriorate. So, it is never too early to start. Patients under the age of 55 typically have the best outcomes. The ideal age range is between the ages of 20 and 55. Even younger skin will benefit from facial acupuncture to slow down the aging process and maintain a healthy glow.
A patient is ineligible for facial acupuncture if they have one of the following disorders:
The purpose of our clinic for sports physiotherapy in Mumbai is to improve your daily comfort by using the following methods to provide rehabilitation, pain management, and non-invasive treatments: